This product is based on the Ecilpse platform (all associated
products are based on the Eclipse Public License and uses as
runtime module the Apache FOP artifacts (
), the Bouncy Castle library, the Apache PDBox
library, the Apache Jempbox library , the Apache Fontbox library ,
the Apache Derby database and the iBatis persistence artifacts.
The Bounce library has an own license type described in the file
lib/bounce_license.txt (inside the file
The lib subdirectory of the delivery (inside the file
plugins/com.java4less.fo2*.jar) file contains all jar files
together with the respective license and notice files.
The version with the windows installer also includes the Java
Runtime environment in the JRE subdirectory with the respective
license information.
24. Contact if you have any question.
Oracle, APEX, Java, JSP, JDBC, JDK and all Java-based marks
are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its
affiliates. J4L Components is independent of Oracle.