The evaluation version will always insert an additional text to your SMS messages.
Click here to download the evaluation version
In order to install the component you must:
- Include RSmsTap10.jar in your CLASSPATH
- You will also need the Java[TM] Communications API (package javax.comm). If
you don't have it installed, you ca get it from SUN's website at the following
URL (opens a new window):
You must download it and follow the directions in the file PlatformSpecific.html.
For example, if you are running Java[TM] on Windows you must:
- copy win32com.dll to your jdkdirectoy\bin
- copy comm.jar to your jdkdirectoy\lib. Include comm.jar in your CLASSPATH.
- copy to your jdkdirectoy\lib
Note: If your platform is not supported you may find useful the following
links: Linux
Sending your first SMS
Edit the file and look for the comments that say "REPLACE
You just need to provide :
- Phone number of the TAP gateway
- Serial port parameters (port name, baud rate, etc)
- TAP Password if required by TAP server.
- A phone or pager number were you can receive a test message.
Compile and run it. Informative messages are shown on the console.
If you encounter any difficulty don't hesitate to send
us an email.
For further information see the User Guide &