Home Page Charts for Ruby
                          J4L Chart 2.1 for Ruby
                        • Introduction
                        • Features
                        • Examples
                        • User Guide
                        • Download
                        • License
                        • Princing and ordering
                        • Other versions
                        • RChart for Java
                        • RChart for .NET
                        • RChart for PHP
                        • Features

                          J4L-Chart can create more than 18 types of charts:

                          - Linechart
                          - Areachart 

                          - Piechart

                          - Max.Min chart

                          - OHLC Chart

                          - Bubblechart 

                          - Event chart
                          - Barchart
                          - Columnchart

                          - Stacked barchart

                          - Candlestick chart

                          - Scatter chart

                          - Radarchart 

                          - Curve chart (interpolation)
                          - B-Splines (approximation) 

                          - Least Squares Lines

                          - Piechart 3D

                          - Linechart 3D

                          - Barchart 3D

                          ... Combinations of them ....

                          The main features:

                          - Markup Language for labels
                          - Any number of axis
                          - target zones in chart and axis

                          - Notes
                          - Configuration of
                          fonts, color, styles, layout ...
                          - More than 75 named colors and RGB support.

                          - It can export to gif , jpg and png
                          - line with width and style

                          - Right/Left Y Axis
                          - Rotated labels

                          - Automatic scales/ticks
                          - Logarithmic scale

                          - Date/time based scales
                          - Automatic date labels 
                          - Transparent fillings

                          - Non continuous lines (null values)
                          - Background images and points

                          - Grids
                          - Position of legend
                          - X scale on top

                          ... and more....