Annex A, RChart Visual Builder

Copyright 2003, J4L Components (
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What is RChart Visual Builder

RChart Visual Builder is a tool for creating charts to be used with RChart product. Therefore:

the benefits of using RChart Visual Builder are:

this will result in shorter learning and development times of charts.



In order to run RChart Visual Builder you need Java[TM] platform 1.1 or later (1.2, 1.3 ...)

Note: Swing is needed it to run RChart Visual Builder only, it is not needed for running RChart.


About the evaluation version

If you are running the evaluation version of RChart Visual Builder you must be aware of these limitations:





Unzip Rchart Visual Builder ZIP file in the same directory where you have installed/unzipped Rchart. Remember that RChart Visual Builder is an additional tool for RChart, so you must separately download and install RChart.


Starting RChart Visual Builder

In order to start the application you must execute the following files:

Remember! if you use Java[TM] platform 1.1 or 1.2 you need also Swing (swingall.jar)


User Interface

The user interface is made of the following sections:



When you build your chart using the Visual Builder you must take into account that the following features are not activated inside the Builder:

in order to test this features you must use the "Output->Run on browser" option, because these features are only available when RChart is running as applet.


Running the chart

Once your chart has been created you can:

Note that some of the parameters in your chart are constant, for example, your chart will always have a yellow background color. However some other parameters will be variable, for example the data to be plotted (parameter SERIE_DATA_*). You must of course change those parameters at runtime:


MiniChart configuration



We have introduced MiniChart in order to speed up the download process of RChart when running as Applet.  This is a tool that will minimize the size of the applet. This is achieved by recompiling the source code of RChart and including only those features you are going to use.  For this reason miniChart can only be used if you have purchased the source code of RChart.

By means of MiniChart you can achieve applets as small as 32K (for a pie or radar chart),  the final size will depend on how many features you require and the development ket version you use. The size of minichart for line or bar charts range from 40k to 50k.




Before you run minichart you must :

  1. Install the Java[TM] development kit from Sun Microsystems, you can download it at This will install the Java[TM] compiler minichart will use to compile you applet.
  2. copy all source code files (*.java files) to the following directory:


    , DIR is the directory where you have installed RChart Visual Buidler.


Create your own applet

Follow these steps in order to create your miniChart applet:

  1. Start miniChart from the menu: administration -> minichart.
  2. deselect all features you will not need.
  3. click on "Create", this will modify the source code and will copy the modified files to DIR/tmp/com/java4less/rchart
  4. select directory where you installed development kit (for example c:\jdk1.4) so that minichart is able to recompile the source code. The compiler command will be modified to include the correct directory.
  5. enter the applet file name (default is minichart.jar)
  6. click on compile.
  7. you will be able to see the result of the compilation in the result window.


How to use the applet (miniChart.jar)

Once you have created you own applet you will be able to use ir in your HTML pages adding the following parameter to the <APPLET> tag:


a complete example would look like this:

CODE = "com.java4less.rchart.ChartApplet.class"
NAME = "TestApplet"
WIDTH = 500
HEIGHT = 500
ALIGN = middle



Create a line or bar chart, step by step

The following steps will show you how to create a line chart that uses dates in the x axis:

  1. Start RChart Visual Builder
  2. Create a new chart with menu File->New.
  3. Click on the Chart node of the components tree (top right corner of the window).
  4. Enter desired size of the chart in the Area's width and height parameters. For example 400,400.
  5. Enter a title for you chart in the "Text of the title" field. For example "My first chart".
  6. Proceed now with the X Axis
  7. Click on the X Axis node of the components tree.
  8. Enter title for the X Axis in the "Text of the X label". For example "Date".
  9. Enter initial date "X initial date" , for example "23-12-2001".
  10. Enter "d" in the "X date step". In this way, each tick will stand for 1 day.
  11. Enter 7 in the "X big tick interval" so that you get 1 big tick every 7 days.
  12. Proceed now with the YAxis
  13. Click on the Y Axis node of the components tree.
  14. Enter 0 in the "Y Min" field.
  15. Enter "10" in the "Y auto ticks" so that you get only 10 ticks on the Y axis.
  16. Set "Y axis integer" to "Yes", in order to avoid decimal values on the Y Axis labels.
  17. Proceed now with the Data to be plotted
  18. Click on the Serie 1 node of the components tree
  19. Enter a name for the serie in the field "Name of the serie". For example "Sales".
  20. Enter the values to be plotted in the "Data" field. For example: "10|23|45|24|45|67|86|23|43" .
  21. Set Type to LINE in order to get a line chart or BAR in order to get a bar chart.
  22. Select now color of the line in the field:
  23. click on the Build button.

congratulations!, you have created your first chart, you can now change some other parameters like colors, images, line styles or fonts in order to make this simple chart look a bit nicer.


Create a pie chart, step by step

The following steps will show you how to create a pie chart:

  1. Start RChart Visual Builder
  2. Create a new chart with menu File->New.
  3. Click on the Chart node of the components tree (top right corner of the window).
  4. Enter desired size of the chart in the Area's width and height parameters. For example 400,400.
  5. Enter a title for you chart in the "Text of the title" field. For example "My first chart".
  6. Proceed now with the Data to be plotted
  7. Click on the Serie 1 node of the components tree.
  8. Enter a name for the serie in the field "Name of the serie". For example "Test".
  9. Set Type to PIE.
  10. Set now the values in the "Data" field, for example "10|45|67". This will be the values for each item of the pie.
  11. Enter now the names of the items.
  12. Enter the name in the "Item name 1" field of the "PieChart" section of the "Serie 1", for example "Item A".
  13. Enter the name in the "Item name 2" field of the "PieChart" section of the "Serie 2", for example "Item B".
  14. Enter the name in the "Item name 3" field of the "PieChart" section of the "Serie 3", for example "Item C".
  15. Enter now the colors for the items of the pie.
  16. Select a color in the "Item style 1" field of the "PieChart" section of the "Serie 1"
  17. Select a color in the "Item style 2" field of the "PieChart" section of the "Serie 2"
  18. Select a color in the "Item style 3" field of the "PieChart" section of the "Serie 3"
  19. click on the Build button.

congratulations!, you have created your first chart, you can now change some other parameters; Click on the "Piechart" node of the components tree to change the aspect of the pie.



The subdirectory "Examples" contains several files you can load into RChart Visual Builder. We recommend you to use this examples as start point for your own charts.


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