After unzipping the file you have received or downloaded, the activeX needs to be registered in your windows environment by executing the install.bat file.On windows 7 you must right click the bat file and run it as administrator.
If you want to deinstall the OCX you can do it by means of uninstall.bat.
Boths programs just run the regsvr32.exe windows tool in order to register and unregister OCX's.
The ActiveX has been developed using Visual Basic 6.0. For this reason it needs the following files:
Visual Basic
In the subdirectory Examples/VB you will find a visual basic 6.0 project you can use to test the ActiveX. The project is already compiled, you can execute it by means of exampleBarcode.exe.
The ActiveX can be inserted into your MSAccess forms and reports. If want to retrieve a value from the database before you create the barcode you can do it this way:
The ActiveX can also be used in your web applications when you use ASP. The following code shows how this can be done:
<%set bc=server.createobject("RBarcode.RBarcodeX")
set bc=nothing<HTML>
<img src="barcode.bmp">
this script uses RBarcodeX in order to create a bmp image that can be display in the browser. If you want to use another format (not BMP) you can use external tools for the conversion. The following example uses the JanGraphics freeware library to convert the bmp to a png file:
<%set bc=server.createobject("RBarcode.RBarcodeX")
set bc=nothingset conv=createobject("janGraphics.Compendium")
conv.convert "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\barcode.bmp","c:\inetpub\wwwroot\barcode.png"
set conv=nothing
- paintBarcode(): forces the barcode to be repainted.
- saveToBMP(filename): saves the barcodes to a BMP file.
- barType: this is the type of barcode to be used. Valid values are: BAR39 (code 0), BAR39EXT (1), CODE11 (3), CODABAR (4), CODE93EXT (14), CODE128 (13), MSI (5), IND25 (7), MAT25 (8), INTERLEAVED25 (2), EAN13 (10), EAN8 (11),EAN128(16), POSTNET (15), UPCA (6) and UPCE (12).
- barbackColor: back color of the barcode.
- barForeColor: color of the bars.
- barHeight:: height of the bars in pixels. If this value is 0, it will be calculated using H.
- CODABARStartChar: Start character for CODABAR. Valid values are "A", "B", "C" or "D".
- CODABARStopChar: Stop character for CODABAR. Valid values are "A", "B", "C" or "D".
- barcode: this is the value to be encoded.
- barcode128set: set of charaters to be used in code128. Valid values are : code128A (0), code128B (1) and code128C (2).
- barcheckCharacter : If true the software will calculate the check character automatically.
- barFontColor: color of the font used to display the code.
- barguardBars: indicates if guardbars will be height than other bars. Only for EAN and UPC.
- Isize: intercharacter separator , only for BAR39. A value of 1 means that the separator will have the same length as X.
- Hsize: Indicates how to calculate the height of the bars. A value of 0.5 means that the bars should be half the length of the symbol.
- barleftMargin: left margin in pixels.
- Nsize: a value of 2, means that wide bars will be 2 times the width of narrow bars. The default vaue is 2.
- barpostnetHeightTallBar: height (in pixels) of PostNet's tall bar.
- barpostnetHeightShortBar: height (in pixels) of PostNet's short bar.
- barsupHeight: relative height of the supplement's bars (only EAN and UPC). The default (0.8) means 80% of the normal bars.
- barsupSeparation: separation between the code and the supplement (in pixels). the default is 10(only EAN and UPC).
- barFont: font used to display the code.
- bartopMargin: top margin in pixels.
- barUPCEANSupplement2: indicates if the codes EAN and UPC will have a 2 digit's supplement.
- barUPCEANSupplement5: indicates if the codes EAN and UPC will have a 5 digit's supplement.
- barUPCESystem: encoding system to be used for UPCE, valid values are cSystem0 (0) and cSystem1 (1)
- Xsize: width in pixels of narrow bars. The default is 1.
How to use the checkCharacter property:
If you are suppling the code with the check digit already calculated, you must set barcheckCharacter to false (this is the default). If you want the software to calculate the checksum for you, you must set barcheckCharacter to true.For EAN and UPC have fixed length and therefore you only have the following possibilities:
- EAN13: you supply a 13 digits code and set barcheckCharacter to false or you supply a 12 digits code and set barcheckCharacter to true.
- EAN8: you supply a 8 digits code and set barcheckCharacter to false or you supply a 7 digits code and set barcheckCharacter to true.
- UPCA and UPCE: you supply a 12 digits code and set barcheckCharacter to false or you supply a 11digits code and set barcheckCharacter to true.